Qcf Level 2

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(HSC 027) Outcome 5. The legislation that relates to moving and handling-: Health and Safety at work Act 1972. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. Lifting Operation and lifting Equipment regulations 1998. 2. It's essential to know the correct and safe way when moving and handling equipment and other objects so that you don't hurt yourself or others. Poor moving and handling practices can lead to-: Back pain and Musculoskeletal disorders which can lead to an inability to work. Moving and handling accidents which can injure both the person being moved and the person that's moving and handling. Discomfort and lack of dignity for the person being moved. 3. It's the responsibility of an employer and employee to prevent accidents/ injuries while at work through the moving and handling of equipment or other objects. The employer must ensure that they:- Follow the polices and procedures that are set out in the place of work. Carry out risk assessments. Provide information on safe systems of work. Provide courses and information on the safe practices of using mechanical aids and make sure that procedures that are in place are followed. The employee must-: Follow polices and procedures that are in place. Attend training courses. Wear suitable clothing/ shoes. Use the mechanical aids that are provided for the protection of themselves and the individuals their moving/ lifting Inform employer of any medical condition that effects them from the moving and handling of equipment. Report hazardous. When lifting and moving try and remember the word TILE as this stands for:- Task- what needs to be moved. Individual- who will be doing the moving, 1-2 people or will it need equipment to be moved. Load- how big or heavy it

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