Puritans And Sex Essay

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STUDY GUIDE: “The Puritans and Sex” From Readings in United States History, vol. 1 1. Read the article through to the end in one sitting to get an overall understanding of what the article is about. 2. THEN, go back and carefully answer each of the questions below as accurately as possible. 3. Review your answers. Do your answers actually answer the questions? Do they make any sense? 4. Study your completed guide so that you are familiar with the article content, questions, and answers because: * You may be required to use the guide in an open-note unscheduled in-class assignment such as a quiz, essay, or other exercise. * Questions from the guide will appear on the next test in the form of multiple-choice…show more content…
Why were a number of men in the colonies unable to gratify their sexual desires in marriage? 24. Why couldn’t servants easily marry? 25. Servants often had no rights to what? 26. What was the simplest way for a man to meet with a maid? 27. What does the case of Sarah Lepingwell suggest about a common predicament among maidservants? 28. What was a serious problem that arose out of extra-marital unions? 29. What solution did the Puritan use to try to solve this problem? 30. Why did the solution actually increase the problem instead? 31. Why could the Puritans not maintain the severe penalties which their laws provided? 32. How often was the death penalty for adultery actually used? 33. Instead, what was the usual punishment? 34. How was rape treated? 35. How was sodomy punished? 36. In regard to their children, what precaution did the Puritans take against possible sexual offenses? 37. What was the way to prevent fornication? 38. What was the way to prevent adultery? 39. What happened to husbands who deserted their wives (provided they stayed within Puritan colonies)? 40. What were husbands and wives forbidden by law to

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