Public Transportation Essay

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Public Transportation Laura Lawson January 19, 2013 Composition I | ENG1001 S04 Amanda “Hope” Dammon Public transportation is becoming a top choice in how we travel today. I actually ride our city bus almost every day. With rising costs of gasoline, car maintenance, oil, and more, it’s no wonder so many Americans choose public transportation. There are so many different ways to commute in many cities. New York City has light rail, heavy rail, subway cars, and trollies (New York City Transit Authority, Hoover’s Company Records, January 1, 2013.). This makes it convenient for all riders from students, the working class, seniors, and the disabled to get to where they need to. I recommend public transportation even if you have a motor vehicle, it’s an easy way to save some extra money, as well has help you maintain your car’s life. Riding the bus is a way of getting around town. I would rather relax during my ride on the bus than pay attention to every other car on the road. Let’s get to the facts about riding on public transportation. Public transportation provides you with a public service that gets you to where you need to go. A lot of different cities offer their citizens different means of transportation such as buses, trains, and subways. In the first 3 months of 2008 there were an estimated 2.6 billion trips on all types of transit offered (Luna H. Sun, 2008, paragraph 2). Commuting has become one of the world’s top ways of travel, counting 10.8 million riders in 2011 (Prager, 2013, paragraph 3). STA shows that in 2012 there were 11 million rides taken for the year (Prager, 2013, paragraph 2). These are just a few numbers from two different cities. This means that public transportation is becoming a top choice of travel. It is a great way for my family and I to get around our city. Being a full time online student and juggling a 17-month-old

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