Public Facilities and Segregation in America from 1945 to 1955

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ublic Facilities and Segregation; 1945- Jim Crow Laws enforced De Jure segregation and Homer v Plessy court case ruling of "separate but equal" still stood. Places such as libraries, health care, cinemas and shops were segregated and they were NEVER of equal standard. Armed forces were segregated with Black Soldiers receiving worse treatment, weapons and jobs 1947- "To Secure These Rights" - Report published by Truman which called for an end to segregated facilities - gained limited action but did but Civil Rights on Political Agenda NAACP- Worked for improvements - picketed New Orleans store for refusing Black women to try on hats and in 1951 protested about a Black school closing due to Cotton Picking season - minor improvements Military - Desegregated Army in 1948 due to hard work in WW2 - Double V sign adopted by African Americans to show victory of war and victory of desegregation Education; 1945- Segregated communities resulted in segregated schools in North, enforced segregation in practically all southern schools. Expenditure on education unequal - 43 dollars on Black child and 179 dollars on White 1950 - Sweatt v Painter - Supreme court ruled that Sweatt should be allowed to attend Texas Law School - minor improvement 1954- Brown ruling - Earl Warren of supreme court ruled that segregated education was "psychologically harmful" even if facilities were of equal standard - ruled all schools desegregate but many found ways round it resulting in slow progress and little improvement 1955 - Brown II - schools should desegregate with all deliberate speed - little improvement as by 1957 only 750 of 6300 southern schools were desegregated Transport; 1945- segregation on all public transport - 1946 - Morgan v Virginia - Irene Morgan argued that segregation on interstate travel was unconstitutional and Supreme Court agreed however not enforced
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