Psychological/Pharmacological Interventions in the Management and Treatment of Dual Diagnosis Clients

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Author: Olisa Onwutalu TITLE: PSYCHOLOGICAL/PHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS IN THE MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT OF DUAL DIAGNOSIS CLIENTS INTRODUCTION The aim of this assignment is to critically discuss the evidence for and against the use of psychological/pharmacological interventions in the management and treatment of dual diagnosis clients. The essay will focus on the critical discussion of the evidence for and against the use of two approaches in psychological interventions in the management and treatment of dual diagnosis. My chosen psychological theories are “Relapse Prevention and Motivational Interviewing” These theories will be critically evaluated, new concepts and evidence from a range of sources will be considered. DEFINITION Dual diagnosis has been applied to a number of individuals with two co-existing disorders or conditions, such as a physical illness and mental health problem, schizophrenia and substance misuse or learning disability and mental health problem (Rassol 2006). As many as six out of ten people who misuse psychoactive substances suffer from a mental illness; also research suggest between 25and 60% of people with mental illness also have substance use disorder (Appleby 2000). Different psychological approaches to the management and treatment of dual diagnosis clients exist, these approaches are delivered in different treatment models but the dual diagnosis good practice guide (2002) recommends the integrated model of treatment approach. People with dual diagnosis have complex inter-related needs at varying levels therefore assessment and treatment should be integrated to address mental disorder, substance use and in some cases offending behaviour. People with dual disorder also often have complex social needs, such as unemployment, homelessness, violence and childhood trauma (Scottish advisory comities on drug and alcohol misuse 2003)

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