Psychoactive Drugs & Children

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Psychoactive Drugs and Children General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to see that psychoactive drugs are dangerous, especially when prescribed or given to young children. Central Idea: Parents through the country are being pressured by schools to give psychiatric drugs to their children; this many times leads not to positive results, but quite the opposite. Introduction: Attention Getter: Its 12 o’ clock at night. You have a huge test tomorrow that you just started to study for. But you have nothing to worry about because you just popped some Ritalin and your flying through your study guide, cramming everything you read. This is the scenario seen many times all across the United States, especially among college students. What if I were to tell you that psychoactive drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall are in the same category as the methamphetamine cocaine and other potent opiates? Introduce Topic: Today, I’m going to talk to you about what a psychoactive drug is, and reasons why children should not be prescribed these types of drugs. Statement of Credibility/Relevance: According to Dr. Ronald Ricker and Dr. Venus Nicolino, “Today, the administration of psychoactive drugs to child 6-17 is all too common, and growing at an alarming rate. Theses drugs often cause the opposite of the intended effect, often condemning children to a life of misery and ill health.” Thesis: Psychoactive drugs are over prescribed to children and in many cases having a very negative effect. Preview: I’m going to explain what a psychoactive drug is, various types and uses of psychoactive drugs, all the negative effects associated with these drugs on children, and some solutions for these negative effects. Transition: Now before we look at the problems of these drugs, let’s first look at what a psychoactive drug actually is. Body: I. What

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