Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legazliation

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Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility November 28, 2011 “In everything good, there is also something bad.” The quote stated above can be related to a large variety of things including the legalization of marijuana. Great things could result out of the United States government decriminalizing the cultivation, distribution, and use of marijuana. Some of these great things would include, providing the economy with more jobs, the economy would have more money, and it helps those with certain medical conditions. However, just because there are several positive things stated, there are also cons to the legalization of marijuana as well. The cons include but are not limited to marijuana being a gateway drug, the harmful long term effects it has on the human body, and it could lead to the legalization of harder more serious drugs. Marijuana has to be grown, tended, packaged, and distributed. Thus the legalization of marijuana would create thousands of jobs for the society. Over 25,000 products can be made from the plant used to make marijuana. “Cannabis has several industrial and commercial uses, as over 25,000 products can be made from the crop. The plant used in making marijuana has a ton of alternative uses, including construction & thermal insulation materials, paper, geotextiles, dynamite, composites for autos, and insect repellent.” (Messerli, 2011) The economy would have more money for more important things such as schools, helping the homeless off the streets, as well as helping when a natural disaster strikes the United States. The government could apply a tax to marijuana if legalized and this would bring in more money to the government instead of “dope dealers”, as well as it would stop a lot of the drug dealing going on. “It is estimated that pot is the largest cash crop in California, with annual
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