Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Physician Assisted Suicide

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“We in the Netherlands believe you have the freedom to live by your own convictions, and that includes the freedom to die by your own convictions," says Jeane Tromp Meesters. I. Medical Reasons In the Netherlands, the practice of euthanasia was legalized on 2001. The concept of eeuthanasia is the termination of life by a physician at the patient’s request. The purpose is to end unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement. Physician-assisted suicide also falls under this definition. Only under certain conditions is euthanasia not considered an offence. a. Terminal Illness Many people think physician assisted suicide should be an option for those who have a terminal illness, however there is disagreement about the definition of 'terminal'. Right-to-die activists oppose using terminal illness as one of the criteria in physician assisted suicide legislation, as that would exclude those whose death is not imminent. They would prefer legislation to contain terms such as "incurably ill" or "the condition is…show more content…
Unbearable Pain No-one wants to have a loved one spend their last days in unbearable pain, the very idea horrifies us. The issue of unbearable pain and suffering has been used as a reason why euthanasia and/or assisted suicide should be legalized. Doctors experienced in pain management and palliative care dispute this perception. For example a 94-year-old woman that for many months she had been bedridden, unable to feed herself and in severe pain from a hip fracture she refused to have repaired. With increasing urgency she had pleaded with her doctor to end her life. He and a colleague interviewed her several times to make sure she truly wanted to die; convinced that she did, and that there was nothing they could do to make things easier for her, they finally granted her wish. Consequently, her doctor gave her one injection to put her to sleep, another to make sure she was unconscious, and finally curare to bring on respiratory
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