Pros And Cons Of Establishing An Annual Buy Nothing Day

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Imagine having all your choices guided by the impersonal government. From choosing the flavor of rotisserie chicken to buy, to what house you live in and for how long. We don’t have an all controlling government because we don’t need one. We should not establish an annual Buy Nothing Day because the government wasn’t formed to control citizens’ moral/selfish problems. Establishing an annual Buy Nothing Day doesn’t leave room for exceptions. If someone is out of gas then they can’t get to work. If someone is in desperate need of food they might starve because of the government. Making an annual day on which no one can buy anything is highly impractical. Establishing an annual Buy Nothing Day punishes everyone for the few idiots’ problems. Not everyone has a problem with consumerism. Creating a day that ‘helps’ people tackle their overconsumption problems only helps a minority of the population. And overall, it is not the governments’ job to monitor citizens’ personal problems.…show more content…
If only a minority of the population has a problem with overconsumption the trying to ‘teach’ the whole country the dangers of it is very unnecessary and a waste of a day. Establishing an annual Buy Nothing Day is like agreeing to stop breathing. Unnecessary and unproductive. Stop. Imagine living under the authority of a government that’s unnervingly similar to communism. Your every choice is dictated by a government who controls your life based on the issues of minorities. A Buy Nothing Day is completely ridiculous and unnecessary. We should not establish an annual Buy Nothing Day because the government wasn’t formed to control citizens’ moral/selfish

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