Proposition 30 Case Study

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Proposition 30 is a sales and income tax incentive. The proposition is is led by governor Gerry Brown as it combines previous initiatives:; the Millionaire’s Tax and Brown’s first proposal to increase taxes. This tax increase deals with an oOrganization within the state of California. This group/ organization is the university system . It is approved on November 6 2012 as a Ballot in California to be an initiated constitutional amendment. The ballot had a 53.9% favor for the proposition to be passed. With the new proposition it would raise sale’s tax from 7.5% from 7.25%. It also creates four high-income tax brackets for taxpayers with taxable incomes exceeding $250,000, $300,000, $500,000, $1,000,000. These tax increases will be in effect for 7 years in hopes to balance the budget cuts in higher education. Passing this proposition will make it easier for students to make to make a vertical mobility in the future because of manageable access to higher education. It will hopefully deal with balancing Inequality targeting a group of high income tax payers to balance the budget imposed on the Organization of the college and university system. It will deal with the inequality being initiated by the state’s budget cuts. This tax increase is a measure to battle the economic losses the…show more content…
How will the state deal with future budget cuts to high education in California? Sure this will solve the budget cuts in 7 years, what about after? How will the university system cope with handling more students entering each and every year? The tax increase targets the a group of people who makes over $250,000 a year in California. With the way the College and University system is suffering there won’t be any one making over $250,000 in the future if the proposition didn’t pass. Proposition 30 is only a temporary solution to this problem as there needs to be a permanent solution to keep the colleges and universities afloat after those 7 years are

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