Propaganda in Nazi Germany

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Can propaganda win a war? According to Adolf Hitler, propaganda is very powerful tool where one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. He believed in it so much that he established a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Through the use of art, music, theater, films, books, radio, and the press, the German people were manipulated into hating the Jews and supporting World War II. The Germans weren’t the only ones using propaganda……the British and the Americans found this useful too! The Germans lost World War I and Hitler used propaganda to inflame the Germans over their loss and to emphasize their cultural and military achievements. Germany was now ready to take over Europe in World War II. German propaganda consisted of emphasizing the prowess of the German army and differentiated it with the allied armies (“World”). Although Hitler’s tactics were successful, the enemy began to use propaganda as well and it had a negative effect on Berlin. The enemy was the British and they used radio broadcasts which were handiwork of the British Political Warfare Executive (P.W.E) created by Winston Churchill (“World”). The broadcasts became a key element for the allied forces (British, America, Russia). The Americans used the Office of War Information to source the propaganda in the U.S (“World”). This office was created by President Roosevelt to boost wartime production and to undermine the enemy morale in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Americans also used propaganda to influence the American public when it came to the Japanese during WWII. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they drew the Americans into the war and away from the isolationist thinking. Americans used their propaganda to influence the American public into hating the Japanese. An example was the poster, “This is the Enemy” whose purpose
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