Promote Good Practce in Handling Information

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Promote good practice in handling information in health and social care settings Outcome 1: Understand requirements for handling information in health and social care settings 1.1 Within my role I must comply with legislations and code of conducts relating to handling information. My organisation is registered under The Data protection Act 1998. This Act is a key piece of legislation that ensures people's rights regarding the confidentiality of their personal information. It highlights 8 principles that define good practice when handling an individual’s personal data. Breaching these principles can lead to legal implications. The Human Rights Act 1998 states the right to a private life. The right to have one's private life respected includes information being shared/stored in accordance with the guidelines. Two of the central codes of practice are provided by the CQC (care quality commission) and GSCC (general social care council). They set standards of practice, handling information and maintaining confidentiality. Within my role I am bound by these professional codes of practice. The Caldicott Standards are protocols that have been nationally agreed on individual confidentiality and form health guidance principles. Within my role and organisation we apply these principles to actions relating to information. Other legal sources of information regarding handling information are stipulated through common law. There are many legislations relating to confidentiality, human rights and safeguarding children and vulnerable adults; relevant codes of practice relating to the handling of information, e.g. relating to the retention, accuracy, availability and disposal of information; the importance of having secure information systems and ensuring necessary safeguards and appropriate uses of personal information. 1.2 Within my organisation we are
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