Promise Me This Promise

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It seems that today all you hear on the radio and TV are hopeless promises. “I will take You in my arms and hold you right where you belong/ Till the day my life is through this I promise you” (Richard Marx) are the lyrics to a popular song by a band named ‘Nsync. Promises are made from candidates running for President, from big name companies trying to get customers, and even from religious groups. The most common of all, though, is made in a relationship. Although they are constantly used in lyrics to popular songs, promises are not the answer to keeping a relationship strong. In fact, the outcome of a promise can actually hurt a relationship more than it can help because it’s easily broken, causes trust issues, and can ultimately break a relationship up. Whether it’s between two best friends or a couple in love, a promise always has an effect. When a person loves somebody they cannot help, but to make promises for the future. A promise is defined as “a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; a vow” (thefreedictionary). At a wedding a vow is something every bride wants to hear from their groom to reassure them that they will live happily ever after and in school two best friends make pinky promises about being friends forever. Making a serious engagement to a loved one is not always a bad thing. The vow shows that a person is committed to a relationship and that they are willing to do whatever it takes to keep it going strong. However, this is only true if the vow is kept. Of course, if a person loves somebody there is no way that they will break a promise, right? In the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a study shows that loved ones are the people most likely to break a promise because “they are making ambitious commitments they will later be unable to keep” (PsycNET). This study proves that promises can easily be broken,
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