Program Evaluation

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Program Planning & Evaluation Nancy Porter HSM/270 Joyce White 12/18/2011 Abstract The overall purpose of this paper is to compare program planning with program evaluation in a human service organization describing how the two components are related. In my Peace Domestic Violence Agency scenario we will look at the technical and political aspects of program planning and evaluation and how these aspects could affect the planning and evaluation process. Program Planning & Program Evaluation; Peace Domestic Violence Agency program evaluation Is collecting information about the program or some aspects of a program in order to make necessary decisions about the program. The evaluation process can include various activities…show more content…
Examples of the interrelationship of program planning & evaluation for my chosen scenario: The evaluation needs to show how the abuse is happening, what is the target population the number of children being abuse, how to go about setting up a program for this issue getting and keeping funding. Why is so much violence happening in this community, the evaluation process is on going, making sure all the objective are in full force that there are experience people to deal with victims who are having this issue. If the programs that have been set up for young men and women is working, are they learning how to stay away from violence are there places to go to get away from your abuser, one must be very careful with this type of program not everyone can be rehabilitated, some people learn to be violent from their parents growing up, they think it is away of life, so the evaluation process is very important. To see that all the needs and problems assess is a good step for successful program planning. Why over the last 5 years have certain incidents increased, this agency was setup to reduce…show more content…
Political aspects of program planning & evaluation: Going to Washington, D.C. on capital hill to fight for laws against domestic abuse, making sure the abuser pay for his abuse and to setup protection for the victim so they can have a place to go if they deceive to get away from the abuser, what ever reasons some victims go back to their abuser and they end up seriously hurt or worse death. We must educate the victim so going back is not and option. References Yuen, K. O.; Terao, K. L. (2003), Practical grant writing and program evaluation, Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning edition. Atherton, C. R.; Klemmack (1982), Research methods in social work, D. C.
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