Problems with Prison System in Usa

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Prison system in the USA Every country in the world has its prison system. The US has its own prison systems. And what are problems our country meets with incarceration? How many people are behind bars? And what does it cost to the USA? The United States has an enormous prison problem. Today, the US has the largest prison population in the world. Although prison populations are increasing in some parts of the world, the natural rate of incarceration for countries comparable to the United States tends to stay around 100 prisoners per 155,000 people. The U.S. rate is 716 prisoners per 100,000 residents. It is over 2 million people in jails. Despite accounting for just 5 percent of the overall global population, the US is home to nearly a quarter of the world's prisoners. Even China has less amount of prisoners than the US. 36 states have higher incarceration rates than Cuba, the country with the world's second highest prison rate. Looked at in terms of actual inmate numbers, this means that the number of people behind bars in most US states is on par with the prison populations of entire nations, like Venezuela and Egypt. Funding of American prisons is another big problem. Since population of the prisons in our country extremely grows, the government began to spend more money on prison system. Imprisonment of America's 2.3 million prisoners, costing $24,000 per inmate per year, and $5.1 billion in new prison construction, consumes $60.3 billion in budget expenditures, and it continues to grow. Nationally, the rate of states’ prison spending is increasing faster than education spending. In most states millions of dollars are spent to lock up residents, but the education infrastructure is crippled. For example Pennsylvania continues to invest in prisons, it has

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