Problems of Newlyweds

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The experts say the first year of marriage can be one of the toughest you will face as a couple. One of the problems is “Why are we suddenly arguing about the little things?”. Most couples argue about small nothings—completely common events such as who controls the remote or leaving a soapy dishrag on the sink. During the first year of living together, newlywed couples are undergoing some unique major transitions. In other words: they both adjusting to their new life—of course they will feel some growing pains. The other problem is parents. When a young couple live with parents it caused some difficulties. Parents try to control the life of newly-weds or to enforce their rules or opinion. But when they live separately it can be also problematically. It can come with a whole new list of responsibilities, in the form of lending mother-in-law a hand when she needs a ride home from the doctor’s office, helping smbd’s dad tile the patio, or just extra face time during the holidays. New duties can cause resentment and tension in relationship while partners get used to the new roles—even more so if smb don’t like new in-laws. Why didn't I know this about him before? This problem is also very actual. You thought you knew everything about your husband before you got married, like not to talk to him pre-coffee—just like he knows not to disturb you during your beauty rituals. But eventually your spouse is going to do something that has you asking, “Wait, who did I marry?”. There are many surprises and disappointment after getting married, so you must be ready for everything. Think about how different a person you were five or 10 years ago. Assuming you’re with your husband for the long time, you should expect him to grow and change over the years
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