Privacy In The Digital Age

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WHITE PAPER PRIVACY IN THE DIGITAL AGE JULY 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Citizens of modern societies live in a world of digital data, generating an information trail as they e-mail, shop with loyalty cards, surf the Web, make wireless calls. In response, cautious consumers, watchdog groups and governing bodies are raising alarms about the Orwellian implications. As technology gets ever more powerful and sophisticated, the issue of digital privacy is rapidly coming to the fore. Key Questions • What are the privacy issues that are top of mind when discussing search engines, ISPs and Web giants like AOL and Microsoft? What steps are governments taking to regulate and control their activities? • • • Just how concerned are consumers about their digital privacy? Does “radical transparency” equate to more lax attitudes toward privacy in general? What new technologies are likely to raise additional privacy concerns? How can marketers best allay privacy concerns among their customers? Key Findings Online, we have little control over all kinds of information we might prefer the public not to have at their fingertips—from what our home looks like (see Google Street View) to our age (see The Internet also makes it easy to embarrass, shame and hurt people, and this seems to be a growing phenomenon. In the past year, acquisitions have concentrated digital data into the hands of the Web giants. In addition, Internet service providers have started partnering with companies like Phorm and NebuAd in order to record and analyze customer activity. Ad targeting is hot, and the race is on to see who can nail it. To calm fears about privacy implications and to avoid regulation, many of the big players are following voluntary guidelines and initiating consumer education efforts. A majority of consumers are not comfortable being tracked online, although not many

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