Principles of Diversity

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Principles of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in adult Social Care settings. 1.1 Define what is meant by :- Diversity:- Working with individuals with a range of social, cultural, disabilities and language & ethnic backgrounds. Each individual should be treated fairly & equally. Equality:- To treat the individuals fairly & equally, making sure the person is given the best care & treatment, & to make their own decisions to the best of their ability, also in line with their own interests. As the carer, we should inform & support the individual. Supporting Equal Opportunities. Inclusion:- By supporting Equal opportunities to those who use it. To identify & help to remove barriers & where possible, to access & participate in a range of services & facilities. To welcome & support those who use the care settings. Discrimination:- To be prejudice of Race, Religious, Gender, Social backgrounds, Health or Disability. Not to set a barrier of ‘them & us’. To treat people as Equal. 1.2 Describe how direct & indirect Discrimination may occur in the work setting. Discrimination may occur in the work setting when a person treats another unfairly or less favourable. It would be obvious to others. Indirect Discrimination is where it happens inadvertently & in a secretive manner. Others may not be aware. 1.3 Explain how practices that support Diversity, Equality & Inclusion reduce the likelihood of Discrimination. By working with other members of staff, treating them as equal & not being prejudice of their gender, race or realign etc. Working with different members of your team & not choosing who you’ll work with. Complying with the codes of practice, policies & legislations. 2.1 List key legislation and codes of practice relating to Diversity, Equality,
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