Prime Mover Essay

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EXPLAIN ARISTOTLES CONCEPT OF THE PRIME MOVER (25) The Prime Mover is Aristotle’s concept of God. The prime Mover is the first of all substances, an eternal being. He believed that it transfers everything else from potential to actual (when something undergoes a change from one state to another) – e.g. a baseball bat is an actual piece of willow, however it has the potential to become another actuality, the baseball bat, via the efficient cause (the means by which something comes about). The Prime/ Unmoved Mover causes all movement and change as things move towards it. It is the only thing that is both perfect and unchanging, and consequently is pure actuality. Aristotle’s concept of the Prime Mover has helped to shape some of the views of many influential philosophers to follow him. One such Philosopher is Thomas Aquinas who uses the prime Mover in his cosmological proof for the existence of God and forms the roots of the first two of Aquinas’ “Five Ways”. In this essay I will explore why Aristotle believed the Prime Mover existed and how he used it to mould his theories. Aristotle wanted to be able to comprehend what makes things change initially and how the entirety of the universe could be changing and fulfilling its purpose. This was because he noticed that there is continual change in the universe – everything is in a state of flux; everything is contingent, and individual items are moving from potential to actual. Aristotle was striving to learn if there is an efficient cause or something towards which everything is moving, which is not moved and who does not need to change. This necessary being, which Aristotle termed the “Prime Mover”, cannot just be the same as any other thing moving towards “telos” (Greek for an ends), because this would make another problem of what caused that as well. Aristotle’s Prime Mover is the main premise for his argument of
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