Primary Care and Protection

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Assignment 1 Demonstrate your understanding for the reasons why children and young people are received into public care, Give reference to the scale and nature of the issues, recent relevant legislation and the government’s agenda of “every child matters”. Ben sadler 18 September 2012 In this essay I will be demonstrating my knowledge and looking at the reasons why children and young people are received into public care and the reasons behind them. I will also be looking at the emotions which a child or young person may encounter before and during being taken into public care. I will also demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the government legislation designed to improve the quality of life for the children and young people in public care and be looking into the “Every child Matters” legislations and why this is in place. I have read and now understand that according to Jackson & Mc Palin’s summary report looked after children are four times likely than other children or young people to require mental health services. Nine times more likely to require special educational assessments or support therapy and they are seven times more likely to suffer from drug or alcohol misuse. A staggering fifty times more likely to at some point in their lives spend time in prison, sixty times more likely at some point be homeless and sixty six times more likely that there children will end up in public care. I also understand that according to children’s welfare development council (2008) one hundred and seventy thousand adults are responsible for the care of over sixty thousand children or young people which are currently in public care : The Office for national statistics (2005) found the following results and the reasons why children and young people are in public care are as follows. Suffering from abuse and neglect were 42%, suffering from a
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