Pride In The Cask Of Amontillado

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Many will argue that pride can cause a person to become blind, not literally but in a sense that they do not see things the way the should, or as most would view a situation. Its almost as if pride has the ability to alter a persons view of reality, causing them to believe that they are better than others, entitled to more, and some may even believe they have the power to punish with impunity. A perfect example of this is illustrated in Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado" . Pride is a high or inordinate opinion of ones own dignity, importance, merit or superity ; the state or feeling of being proud.The Cask of Amontillado is about two men Montressor and Fortunado. Fortunado has been insulted by Montressor and now he is out for revenge. Fortunado knows Montressor prides himself on his connoisseurship in wine , so he used that against him. He tells Montressor that he has come across a bottle of Sherry and wants to be assured it’s the real thing, he also offers to let Luchesi taste the wine knowing this would Montressor even more eager, being that Luchesi was Montressor's competition. Montressor was unaware that Fortuando was using the Sherry as bait , and eventually would kill him. Despite the many hints Montressor was given, he remained oblivious to the whole situation until it was too late.…show more content…
Normally a person wouldn't go to the extreme of killing someone over a simple insult, but Fortunado believes that he is superior than everyone else that he has to punish Montressor for his actions and killing him would be the only suitable punishment. In Montressor's case his pride of his connoisseurship in wine blinds him and causes him to die. He was so focused to tasting the wine everything around him became irrelevant, he doesn’t even acknowledge the hints given by that would soon end his

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