Pride And Prejudice Women's Rights

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Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austen, which illustrates the women’s life in the early nineteenth century. Jane Austen was a young woman in her early twenties, in the context of her day in which women’s rights were not valued particularly in term of their own property rights. The story revolves within the context of the three levels of status’ in society represented by the characters from the upper class, middle class, and lower class status that are themselves symbols of different classes of society of the nineteenth century woman is accurately depicted in Jane Austen’s timeless novel. The first chapter describes the existing type of the society regarding women’s rights. Austen portrayed that women even in the upper class were deprived of their property rights and the only legal remedy for them to inherit family estates is to be married. This is evident in the following lines “However, little is known the feeling or views of such a man maybe on his first entering a neighborhood, this is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of someone or other of their daughter’s (Austen p.2). These lines reflect the importance of a man to a family who had but all daughters. The struggle of the nineteenth century women exactly relate to the condition of women in Austen’s novel as they battle their way towards gaining their rights. Afsar Bano pointed out that the nineteenth century women “could not tolerate such state of affairs any longer. They formed movements in Europe and America to emancipate women (Bano p.41). Women of the nineteenth century were deprived of the basic rights and privileges exactly to what Austen has demonstrated in her novel almost a century earlier. Although Austen portrayed women in her novel to be socially actively involved, it appears that women’s
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