Pride and Prejudice (Character Analysis)

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Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Analysis of characters In the ‘Pride and Prejudice’ novel by Jane Austen, there are some characters that belong to major characters and minor characters. Major characters of this novel are Elizabeth Bennet (Lizzie) and Mr Darcy (Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy). And, the minor characters of this novel are Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet, Jane Bennet, Mary Bennet, Catherine Bennet, Lydia Bennet, Mr Charles Bingley, Caroline Bingley, George Wickham, William Collins, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Aunt and Uncle Gardiner, Georgiana Darcy, and Charlotte Lucas. But here, I want to analyze the major characters of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ novel by Jane Austen. They are : 1. Elizabeth Bennet Elizabeth Bennet (or Lizzie) is the second daughter of the Bennet Family that has five unmarried daughters. She is twenty years old. She is also intelligent, lively, attractive girl, and witty. But, Lizzie often judges someone by the cover. It means that, Lizzie automatically judges a person in the first meeting or first impression. ← Elizabeth Bennet is one of the major character in this story. Because, she always appears in the story and the story is about her judgement to the men with pride and about her love story with Mr Darcy. ← Elizabeth Bennet is a round character. She posses good and bad traits and also she has the complex thought. The good traits of her are she is a good daughter to her family, she has an intelligent thought of everything, she loves her sisters very much and always wants to see her sisters all happy, and she likes to socialize with people around her. Her bad trait is she often judges everything or everyone at the first impression, but a little good thing of this is she always tries to find the evidence of her judgement. The complex thoughts of Elizabeth Bennet are she always think about her sisters’

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