Post World War 2 Essay

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America Post World War II The United States has overcome many struggles since its birth. The time after World War II is no exception. This nation has fought many wars foreign and domestic to protect the lifestyle and government our founding fathers created. The United States rejoiced in their victory over a crazed Nazi dictator and Japanese Emperor who wanted to take over the world but this victory was at a heavy cost. Post World War II was a time for rebuilding a nation that suffered financially, physically, and emotionally. Americans wanted to return to a semi normal life and pursue the American dream; a dream of freedom to buy a house, a car, to pursue an education, and the opportunity to work in a job of their choice. The celebration…show more content…
As a nation it was time for all Americans to enjoy equality not just the privileged whites. The Civil Rights movement tore the United States apart, instead of American embracing each other we fought each other because of the color of one’s skin. Equality is the bases of the United States Constitution and yet those freedoms that so many Americans had fought and died to protect were not afforded to everyone. American minorities for decades had been expected to defend their country but their own countrymen treated them as if they did not belong, they were segregated and shunned. The youth of the 60’s decided that if they were equal enough to fight for the freedom of all Americans on foreign soil, then they wanted to enjoy the same lifestyle as the privileged whites in their own country. Under the guidance of Dr. Martin Luther King, a black minister from Alabama, the black Americans organized what is now referred to as the Civil Rights movement; a peaceful protest against the unfair treatment of all minorities. The movement was quickly spread nationwide and put pressure on President John F. Kennedy to introduce desegregation to the legislation. Protests around the country had turned extremely violent despite King’s attempts at peaceful protests. Blacks were being beaten and murdered while white authorities stood back and watched. Civil unrest continued until 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed and became law, unfortunately not before the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas,
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