Popular Cultures Role in Shaping Women's Identities

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Popular Cultures Role in Shaping Women’s Identities For many women, popular culture has a profound effect on their self-identities. Media such as television, advertising, and literature are inescapable for most women. ‘The Life and Loves of a She-Devil’ by Fay Weldon, ‘Woman Hollering Creek’ by Sandra Cisneros, and ‘Infidel’ by Ayaan Hirsi Ali all consider how media can influence women. The question that must be asked is, ‘what is the role of popular culture in shaping women’s identities across diverse cultures? ‘ Weldon’s ‘She-Devil’ is an ideal example of how popular culture in the form of romance novels in today’s American and European middle class can negatively affect a woman’s self-identity. Mary Fisher’s romance novels are a prominent fixture in the book that gives Ruth and the millions of other women who buy her novels an unrealistic idea of what romance, passion, and love are. The very first lines of the book address this: “Mary Fisher lives in a high tower, on the edge of the sea: she writes a great deal about the nature of love. She tells lies” (Weldon 1). Immediately, Weldon draws attention to the fact that Mary Fisher tells lies about love and romance in her novels. Mary Fisher’s romance novels tell stories of blonde and dainty heroines who, after conflict-ridden beginnings, are rescued by tall and handsome heroes. Naturally, the pair is filled with passion and fall deeply and unequivocally in love. The ending is always happy, and the love always true. The millions of women who purchase and read Mary Fisher’s novels, and romance novels in general, are heavily shaped by these dominant themes and ideologies which influence and cultivate dysfunctional relationship beliefs and romantic ideals in the female readers. These dysfunctional and unrealistic views are internalized by women who try

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