Political And Social Instability Of France In The

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Explain the political and social instability in France in the late 1700’s. Many factors contributed to France’s political and social instability during the 18th century. The ancient regime and the reign of the naïve King Louis XVI caused huge problems within the government, which included the revolt of the aristocracy. Poor harvests and the corruption within the taxation system provoked the country’s bankruptcy and lead to the bourgeoisie estate’s resentment towards the clergy and nobility. Foreign policy and France’s involved in the American war of independence added to their debt and opened the soldiers’ awareness of the lack of political liberty in France. To make everything worse, Calonne’s reform process (an attempt to revive the economy) ended in failure. Before 1789, France was an absolute monarchy, controlled by one ruler alone. The King’s decisions could be influenced by a minority of ministers and advisors. He’s power was only limited by independent bodies, such as the Assembly of the Clergy, who had their own laws guaranteed. In such a system of government, the leader had to be strong and charismatic. However, King Louis XVI (1774) was the opposite. He was too susceptible to the actions of the powerful factions in his court and lacked the confidence and strength f character to support necessary reforms proposed during his reign for the good of the nation. France’s taxation system was no asset to the government. It was unable to supply it with an adequate income to govern the country, for two reasons. Firstly, the clergy and the nobility were exempt from the bulk of taxes forced on the 3rd estate. This injustice could not be put to rout because the nobles would undermine the peasants protests. Taxes were collected in a method known as ‘tax farming’. People could buy their position as a tax official. This was called venality and lead to an awful
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