Police Film Representation

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How Does 'The Wire' Take the Police Procedural Genre in A New Direction & To What Extent Does This Affect the Representation Of the United States? Representations refer to how a text shows or describes a particular group, concept, or place. Different representations are shown to us by the media depending on who the producers and the audience are. This means representations co-exist, like for example those of a place. Representations could be negative or positive. Limited representations in mainstream media may be problematic because they are generalizations that may not apply to everyone. Mainstream representations are based on stereotypes which come from social dominant ideologies. Stereotypes are defined when they are seen so…show more content…
A different representation that co-exists with the mainstream representation can be seen in The Wire. The Wire is an American police procedural drama series that ran from 2002 to 2008. The genre of police drama is taken in a different direction as the main concept of it is to appear and feel real. In order to do this, The Wire uses countertypes which act differently from the expected stereotypes and give us a wider understanding of the characters. Stereotypical detectives are seen on series like Law and Order, Bones, CSI and many more police based series. They are shown to wear designer clothes and have styled hair and be well groomed at all times. Detectives are also shown to be very smart and have an answer to everything; even when they don't have an answer, their use of advanced technology always allows them to solve the crime. In CSI, wrong doing gets punished and detectives, who are the good guys, win. The representation of law enforcers in CSI is a positive one. Due to its use of countertypes, The Wire shows a more diverse ensemble; there are African American detectives which are not shown on CSI, detectives using bad language that is often related to uneducated people, and even a white police with a black American accent. With contrast to CSI where divisions between police and criminals are clearly seen, a scene on The Wire where McNulty is talking casually side by side with a witness, there is no clear…show more content…
The Wire is set in Baltimore, U.S where crime occurs in the lower class streets like shown on the opening scene of the first episode. The fact that the crime is set on the streets and the low key lighting that is used in this series connotes a dark, tough crime. This is almost the complete opposite to CSI which is set in New York, a city known for its high class streets that denote luxury. Represented by the satellite views, the test tubes, microscopes and the model-looking detectives in CSI´s opening sequence, crime in the U.S. is shown to be solved by technology and good looking people. The Wire´s opening sequence differs in the way that the main focus is not technology or even the detectives, the opening sequence shows both sides of the law; for example, police badges and people consuming drugs. Unlike The Wire, that uses low key lighting to signify cold and dark crime, CSI uses brighter lighting on its episodes even when dealing with death. If you add this to the luxury, good looking detectives with styled hair and high class of the city, what CSI does is glamorize crime in the U.S., fulfilling audience’s expectations, unlike The

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