Poket Money Essay

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Only few parents will dispute the idea that teenagers should earn their pocket money. It is a good idea. However, many people do not think much about why is it so. Many parents just see it as a great way to get rid of some of the unpleasant housework, but there are other reasons as well. Then, why should teenagers earn their pocket money? The most common reason was already mentioned in the introduction. Though, it sounds very selfish from the parents’ side. It would be far better to spin this reason a little. Let’s rather perceive it as a tool for educating the youth. Instead of dumping all the activities they hate onto their children, parents should assign different tasks from time to time. Pocket money can be a great motivation for teenagers to learn how to run their own household before they move away. However, that includes many things, not just doing dishes or cleaning the toilet. Now, it is the time for even more important reason. No one can live a happy and healthy life without working for it. You can live as an outcast and beg for food and money. But that is certainly not a great life that most people dream of since the young age. Teenagers need to learn this as soon as possible and prepare for the real world. Having to earn the pocket money helps accomplish that. Your children will see that work comes first and the cake then follows. What is even more important is that they will get accustomed to that idea and form a habit of working towards everything what they want instead of expecting for it to be handed to them on a golden plate. Another reason is that teenagers need to learn the value of their money. How could this be achieved better than by having to earn that money? Healthier spending habits are more likely to form. Most people will think twice before wasting the money they had to work for. Though, it is important to encourage this kind
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