Poisonwood Bible Characterizations

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Nathan: Nathan is an ardent, zealous minister. He fears being seen as a coward in the eyes of God, and he therefore strives to overcome every obstacle, no matter how difficult and extreme. This is seen when he says “Only God knows when our relief may arrive. But God does know. And in His benevolent service we will stay (page 169).” Furthermore, Nathan despises the Congolese people. He loathes the sinful behavior, as seen when he says “They are living in the darkness. Broken in body and soul, and don’t even see how they could be healed (page 53).” Nathan is actually selfish. Although he claims he is working for the good of everyone, he is really urging the Congolese toward Christianity so he can profit, so he might gain a greater appreciation from God. Finally, Nathan seems to hate his family. Instead of loving generously, he disciplines his family as if they were dogs, with no remorse. He beats Orleanna and his four daughters, and withholds any compassion. This is seen when he breaks Orleanna’s beloved dinner plate and exclaims, “You were getting too fond of that plate. Don’t you think I’ve noticed (page 134)?” Ultimately, Nathan is very coarse and hateful. While he may appear altruistic, he is the most selfish character in the novel. Orleanna: Orleanna is constantly abused by Nathan and is, therefore, very restrained and taciturn. She does not want to get on Nathan’s “bad” side. She feels guilty from the loss of her daughter and describes herself as a “Southern Baptist by marriage, mother of children living and dead (page 7).” She also has a deep resentment of Africa. This is seen in her dialogue at the start of The Revelation. She says “even now, I catch the scent of Africa. It makes me want to keen, sing, clap up thunder, lie down at the foot of a tree, and let the worms take whatever of me they can still use.” Her guilt and despise for Africa is pervasive
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