Plastic Bag Essay

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Plastic Bag Usage Should be Replaced by Paper Bag Usage Riana Atik Yustiana 120221414960 Plastic bags are popular packaging materials because of the practical benefit. However, the effects of plastic pollution are really devastating for the environment. The amount of trash of the plastic bags is increasing since plastic bags are used in almost of all daily lives. Besides affect humans’ lives, plastic-bag litters also play role in littering the environment and danger the water life. Instead of the practical benefit, plastic bags can be strictly considered as a harmful stuff for our environment. Plastic bags which are made from chemical bonds, polythene, are usually used to wrap food, goods, or other things. The chemical bonds in the plastics are not good for human’s health. For example, when people wrap a warm food with plastic, the chemical bonds will release and go into the food. Obviously, the food which is accumulated by chemical bonds is very dangerous to eat. Besides, some plastic bags are from reusing and recycling activities since many people use them in almost all daily needs. The users sometimes do not know what they are used for in the previous. Surely, they are not hygienic to use for wrapping food. Furthermore, the chemical bonds, such as polymer, in plastic bags can attack human skin. Some of them can cause dermatitis and cancer diseases if they have contact directly with human skin. Clearly, plastic bags usage should be replaced by a new invention which is more environmentally friendly. Doubtlessly, I would like to use paper bag in term of staying healthy. Moreover, people needs are not limited, they will get plastic bags in order to bring their stuff easily. For instance, when they are shopping in some stores, each store will provide plastic bags. Imagine how many plastic bags a person gets, if he or she has shopped in ten stores. In fact, once plastic
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