Plagiarism and Cheating

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Plagiarism and Cheating Essay The topic of cheating and plagiarism is well-known in nearly every school. Some reasons why students cheat are because they say they have too little time, do not fully understand the subject of the assignment, and feel pressured by peers and elders to get good grades. Students can cheat or plagiarize by rewarding another student to do the work for them, using cell phones to store information such as notes and even pictures of the test, and copying another student’s work by giving the excuse of “study group” to anyone who questions them. In my opinion, teachers and parents are a major factor in preventing plagiarism and cheating. Teachers and parents are both able to help students by emphasizing the ideas of how doing your best is best, saying how cheating will not improve your study skills in class, and by giving them the support they need to overcome and achieve every task before them. Most people already know that students cheat, but do they know how students cheat? Students typically cheat by copying another student’s work. In the PDF Academic Dishonesty, 83% of all students in all high schools had copied another student’s homework at least once in 2004 (8). Paying someone else to write a paper for them is common among college students With the technology of today, students who have a cell phone have the ability to take pictures of study guides and tests, in order to glance at the answers in class ("Creative Ways College Students Cheat in School."). Roughly 62% of 14,908 high schools students admitted to cheating during an in-class test in 2004 (“Academic Dishonesty” 7). I see students cheat all the time in my school, and in my opinion, the opportunities students have to cheat are far too great. The advance in technology we have can serve as a problem as well. Students can use phones and laptops to obtain someone else’s work

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