Physical Theatre Rationale

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Rationale In my physical theater piece the dramatic meaning I am trying to demonstrate is that cyberbullying is just as harmful and painful as physical bullying. A lot of people don’t think that cyberbullying is as bad as physical bullying because there are no bruises and has no effect on our physical image. Although I’m trying to demonstrate that we do get bruises and broken self-esteem but we bear it on our souls. My inspiration came from the syllabus – Facebook ruins lives -. It was not only that it was my own personal experience and a past friend of mine. When I was younger about grade 8 I was cyberbullied fairly badly and I can still remember how I felt and how it made me feel. I have tried to use the emotions I had felt when I was cyberbullied and incorporate them in the performance. I also gotten a lot of my experience from a past friend of mine who committed suicide due to cyberbullying. Nobody knew she had been bullied until after her death because she hid her emotions and we never noticed, she bore them on her soul, for no one to see. She was constantly knocked down yet she constantly got back up, until one day she had no more energy to get back up again, so she let go. I’ve tried keep a similar story line in the performance to honor her. I believe the mood and tension is extremely important to the piece because it is what shows the audience how the actor is feeling and the atmosphere and emotions of the scene. There for it is effecting the audience on how they should feel and think about the scene, it also helps shows the building up and climax of the piece. So to build up my mood I choose blue wash to accompany my piece, as I felt it gave the feeling of sadness and depression. I also chose a musical piece called ‘Classical Piano and Violin Music’ by Secession because like the lighting it was quite sad and deep music it also had sections in
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