Physical Geology Quiz

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Physical Geology Study Guide for Test 1 Chapter 1: The Earth in Context 1. What percentage of CSUF geology graduates have gotten jobs in the industry? 100% 2. When might you need to consult a geologist? Buying a house 3. How does science work? Go out and explain nature. Develop a hypothesis. Becomes a theory. 4. What is the difference between catastrophism and uniformitarianism? Uniformitarianism is that things change very slow and catastrophism is catastrophes. 5. What is the difference between relative dating and absolute dating? Give an example of each. Relative dating – Rocks are placed in sequence/order of their age in years. Absolute dating – Radiometric dating to place an age on rocks or…show more content…
2. What is the definition of a mineral? Be prepared to answer if a particular example is, or is not a mineral. Naturally occurring, inorganic, organized internal structure (become crystal), definite chemical composition (pyrite/quartz). Cubic zirconium is not. Coal is not. 3. How is the mass number of an element calculated? What is an isotope? Number of protons and neutrons added. Isotope: Number of neutrons vary. 4. Discuss each of the following physical properties of minerals: crystal form, color, streak, luster, hardness, cleavage, fracture, and specific gravity. What is responsible for the physical properties of minerals? Crystal form – Shape is determined by internal structure of mineral & most aren’t perfect b/c they don’t have enough space to form properly. Color- Least reliable. Streak- Color of a mineral in powdered form. More reliable than color alone. Luster- How light reflects off mineral. Metallic/Non-metallic Hardness- Mineral’s resistance to scratching. Moh’s scale of hardness. Clevage- How a mineral breaks. Flat/Shiny surface. Fracture – No cleavage. Breaks in circular…show more content…
3. What are the sources of heat inside of Earth? Magma, earth’s internal heat. 4. What is the difference between confining pressure and differential stress? What are the 3 types of differential stress? How do confining pressure and differential stress affect the shape of a rock? Differential stress: Pressure is unequal. Confining: Equal pressure. 3 types: Tension (pull apart), compression, shearing (slide past). Affects: Confines and constraints rock. 5. What is foliation? What leads to foliation? Layering in metaphoric rock. Minerals rotating and growth. 6. What is the order in which foliated metamorphic rocks form? What is the parent rock for foliated metamorphic rocks? Slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss. Shale or slitestone. 7. What is parent rock for quartzite? For marble? How would you distinguish between marble and quartzite? Quartzite: Sandstone. Marble: Limestone. Marble fizzes, quartzite doesn’t. 8. How does hornfels form? Rock contacts with magma and bakes rock. 9. Know that the type of metamorphic rock relates to how much heat and pressure the rock was exposed to. Gneiss – a lot of heat. Slate – just a little

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