Physical Effects Of Hurricane Katrina

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Natural disasters are devastating occurances that not only have the ability to rip apart buildings and homes, but also the lives of the citizens who happen to be in their destructive paths. Hurricanes, specifically, are the most tragic natural disasters of them all. With wind speeds between seventy-five to two-hundred miles per hour, and torrential downpour, hurricanes hold the unfortunate title of "worst case scenario". In 2005, the second worst hurricane in recorded United States history called Hurricane Katrina, struck the south eastern portion of the U.S. Most of it's damage was centered in New Orleans, but it also caused significant catastrophe to those who were living in southern Florida and Mississippi. The hurricane was categorized…show more content…
Although physical damages came to a total of seventy five billion dollars, the total cost including economical impact between Lousianna and Missippi came to a grand, and whopping total of one hundred and ten billion dollars.The Government Accountability Office pledged 20.5 billion dollars to small businesses. Small disadvantage businesses recieved around eight hundred and four million dollars, while women-owned small businesses recieved three hundred and eighty one million dollars, and veteran-owned small bussinesses only collected two hundred and seventy million dollars. Every cent was put toward rebuilding their bussinesses from the ground up. If it weren't for the help of some foreign friends rebuild might not have been as possible. Countries across the waters pledged monetary donations and other forms of assistance to affected areas in crisis. While Kuwait made the biggest pledge of five hundred million dollars, othercountries such as India, Qatar, Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh made very large donations…show more content…
Habitat for Humanity has helped build over two hundred thousand houses for hurricane victims that were homeless prior. To this day, even seven years later, you can still go onto Habbitat for Humanity's website and donate things such as nails, roof shingles, windows, and doors to help rebuild houses. The Salvation Army responded immediatley to the needs of victims. They have assisted over two and a half million people by serving over 5.6 million meals and donating three hundred and eighty two million dollars. If it wasn't for agencies like this our country would be devastated during times of utter

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