Pharmacy Delivery Statement

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Pharmacy delivery statement This morning a delivery man from United drug wholesalers arrived. Pharmacy using two wholesale companies, Uniphar wholesale and United drug, which is one of our pharmacy main wholesalers. They deliver twice a day with orders sent by computer for dispensary and basic shop stock. Orders must be placed before 12.15 pm (alarm sounds on dispensary computer) and before closing at night. A delivery man carried 2 big plastic boxes and 1 cool box. I asked the man to bring the delivery right into dispensary to our delivery area. He asked me to sign a docket. I counted number of boxes and confirmed deliveries against delivery docket and original order, and checked that stock is fit for purpose, and then I signed my name and date on document. After I unpacked the boxes at our delivery counter making sure the area is clean, clear before I started. Then I checked that each item delivered correctly matches what we have been ordered for with regard to quantity, product, strength, form, pack size etc. I found that one item is missing, we received three items instead of four, and I put note on document and notified the pharmacist. I rang wholesaler by phone and let them know about the error. They told me, that this item will added in next delivery. Then I checked each item for expiry date. I found that one item’s expiry date is next month and putted that item on the side of the bench and told the pharmacist. In accordance to company’s standard operating procedures, that item has to be returned to wholesaler, because it is short dated and might be not sold so quickly. Then I putted away all the stock ensuring stock rotation so that the new stock goes to the bottom of the shelf allowing the older stock to be dispensed first. Most dispensary items are stored alphabetically, except some of them, like antibiotic, medicines which have go to the fridge or

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