Pessimism Is the Bridge for Optimism

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Pessimism is the Bridge for Optimism As is known, optimism is the opposite of pessimism. Trapped in the troubles, most of the people hold the view that optimists have the advantage of pessimists. However, psychologically, the two concepts are not good or bad but which is fitter for the situation. First, both optimism and pessimism are attitudes that interprets situations and events as being best or worst. So with different attitudes, people make different choices. As long as the solution works, pessimism is not less beneficial than optimism. In most cases, optimism makes me tough. When I was a child, I never think what I am not capable to do. Personally, I thought I could fill up the sea and remove the mountains. Certainly, I did not do that but that kind of pretentiousness makes me optimistic and helps me overcome the difficulty. The baseless optimism plays a crucial role in an innocent child's life. Nevertheless, sometimes, pessimism is truly optimistic. As I became a teenager, my attitude changed quietly from optimism to pessimism. I always concerned about what I had not gained but was seldom happy for what I had had. Honestly, on the one hand, this kind of pessimism is negative and harmful to mental health. On the other hand, it offers opportunities to improve abilities. With pessimistic attitude I will consider what I should do to achieve the perfection. In conclusion, optimism give bravery to achieve goals, but pessimism also contributes to bravery. Unless we release anxiety of pessimism, we are going to be more optimistic and

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