Persuasive Essay: The Stem Cell Research Debate

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English 101 15, Dec 2010 Stem Cell Research Debate I chose to write on stem cell research because I have always heard things retaining to it but have never realized what it is or if it could affect me some how, I just knew it had to do with government which automatically meant it would be controversial. Once I realized it would be controversial and it had to with the medical field coming up with cures for illnesses I knew it was the right choice. What makes this so controversial is because the government got to decide whether it would be allowed because not everyone was for this research. I did not find this essay because it was important to me but I guess it could be important if I relate it to two of my grandparents who died from multiple…show more content…
This was because of the explosiveness of the debate whether or not stem cell research should be allowed, and the federal government at that time did not feel as though federal money should be allotted towards such a controversial research project. The Bush administration felt as though the money could be best used elsewhere. The research was still allowed to continue, just not with the aid of federal money. This changed when Obama took office however, and because he was such a firm believer in the benefits research in stem cells can provide now, and the future, he decided to portion an amount of the national funds towards stem cell…show more content…
They are extremely versatile as to what job they end up doing, because until they are in a certain place of the body, they do not transform into specific cells with specific functions. This means that they can do whatever job the scientists want them to do and they can become almost any cell that is in a normal human body. This means that there is a possibility that stem cells could be used in cloning organs or for the repair of damaged parts of the human anatomy. The uses for such an exponential scientific achievement would be without bound, because it would mean that they could use cells inside of someone to help heal them of whatever problem they are facing, within the realm of stem cell usage of course. For instance, if the right breakthroughs in research are made, if you needed a transplant in the future the doctors would be able to grow you a copy of the organ you need from the organ you already possess, which would in effect take out the middle man in the donation process. It would be a much more efficient way of dealing with the need for transplants, and much more cost effective. Another possible use of such a breakthrough would be the repair of damaged nervous systems. People who are crippled for life could once again move, and feel. Doctors might also be able to reverse brain damage, or help with other

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