Persuasive Essay of Legal Drinking Age

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Alcohol, the drug of choice for many people across the world after a hard day’s work, is the subject of many arguments pertaining to the restriction of alcohol use at a certain age. Many countries differ in this opinionated topic, but still agree that alcohol should only be consumed after pubescence. This is because alcohol can temporarily incapacitate a person’s central nervous system causing a delayed thought process and movement. Alcohol has been produced for many centuries for the entertainment of man or even to replace dirty water sources. Since almost the beginning of the human race, children have been drinking mead to supplement the fact that their water was contaminated. So why did we stop this practice in recent times? The changes in society that created technologically advanced civilizations was that people valued knowledge rather than mere entertainment at the cost of their bodies. Alcohol is no longer needed as an alternate source of water so it is not required at all in modern times. It might still be valued as a taste or popular past time, but the latter promotes binge drinking. Binge drinking is detrimental to the health of an adult, let alone a developing brain. From past experience, I know for a fact that alcohol can impede the intelligence of teens who constantly binge drink. Not even in the long term either, it seemed like they began to decline within a year. Teens are not going to drink alcohol to taste it, they are going to binge drink to get wasted. So, I think the current cutoff age of buying alcohol is highly appropriate. I feel like it would promote the use of and sale to minors if the age was
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