Persuasion in Documentaries

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How do documentary film-makers position their audiences in the following ways? A documentary is a fact-based film type that is intended to revisit some historical or existing time period that has somehow made an impact on society. A documentary needs to have different elements to make sure they capture their audience. They have to have a set up; to guarantee that that the audience watching the documentary will become emotionally or mentally invested into the characters portrayed on film. Also the documentary has to take the audience on a journey, emotionally or mentally, throughout occurrences in the characters lives. Thirdly there must be a good closing of the film that pays off for the characters and the audience. When we watch movies or TV shows or movies we know that they are fictional dramas. We also know that they are scripted shows which can manipulate the way we think and feel about the film. The producer does this to position us in a specific way. In a documentary we believe it to be truthful recounts of different events. Sometimes documentaries have as much manipulation and positioning as the popular films and TV shows. Documentary film makers conduct this audience positioning by the use of many different filmic techniques, some of these include cinematography, representation, audience targeting, narrative structure, social values and discourses. Many documentary makers include their individual cultural assumptions and discourses to distort the truth and position the target audience to react in a desired manner. This can be seen in the documentary, ‘Supersize Me’. Film technique is the term used to describe the ways that meaning is created in film and cinematography refers to the way in which the film is shot. Different camera shots help us to form an opinion on what has just happened in the documentary. Camera shots are used to demonstrate
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