Personal Perceptions Of Organized Crime

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Personal Perception of Organized Crime Tammi Ivey CJA/393 Janurary 9th,2012 Dorothy Massey Personal Perception of Organized Crime Almost every person in the world has a different opinion on what organized crime and how it should be dealt with by the law and and the courts. If you were to ask a bunch of different people what is organized crime you would most likely hear things like, mobs and mafia and things of that nature. When I first started this class that is what I thought of when someone mentioned organized crime, it was all like I saw in the movies and that is what I knew about organized crime. Now I am finding out that prostituion is an organized crime. It is the same thing with drugs as an organized crime, it never occurred to me that drugs and prostituion were concidered organized crimes. My perceptions were way off compared to the readings that we were given. It seems to me that people all have preconceived notions about what organized crime is and then we read our assignment and we find that all of our notions are wrong and that there is more going on behind the scenes then we ever thought of. The best definition that was given for organized crime is:“Organized crime means the unlawful activities of the members of a highly organized, disciplined association engaged in supplying illegal goods and services including, but not limited to, gambling, prostitution, loan-sharking, narcotics, labor racketeering and other activities of members of organizations. (Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, 1968). I never thought that prostitution was an organized crime before I started this class and neither did I think that drugs would be classified in the catergory either, however I am finding that now that I think about it, I can see why it would be and how it can be exploited for the use of some group to gain power, money, or as a tool for

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