Personal Narrative: My Hero Play

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“Hey kid, I like your hat. Wanna trade?” I was astonished to hear these words come from a person who I had looked up to for the last two years of my life. Roger Cedeño was traded to the New York Mets in 2001 and was their starting leadoff hitter for the following two years. At this point in my life, I was an avid Mets fan, even at the age of 8, and quickly began to admire the way Mr. Cedeño handled himself on and off the field. On May 15th of 2002, the Mets were playing the Montreal Expos in Shea Stadium and my father had obtained two front row seat tickets to the game via his business partner. I was thrilled for the whole week leading up to the game because I was finally going to see my hero play. Sitting down in the front row seats was an

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