Personal Narrative: Eight-Zero-One

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During the end of the first day of sophomore year I remember walking into the room "eight-zero-one" at my high school and thinking "why would the counselors give me a chorus class?" I didn't think of myself as a singer. I mean, playing piano for twelve year has been a great experience and I have always strived to achieve excellence in all classes, activities and groups to which I belong; but singing? I can only remember singing in the shower and occasionally to my dogs. As I took a seat, the chorus direction, Ms. Morrow, introduced herself and began to teach us how to read music. I found it tremendously frustrating to be in a beginning chorus class because I already knew how to read music. So the next day I returned to room "eight-zero-one"…show more content…
I found out singing is very entertaining thanks to Ms. Morrow. From the point on, I wanted to pursue vocal performance. She had opened so many more doors for me. The thing I found most fascinating was that she believed in me. My junior year, she helped me get over my stage fright by allowing me to sing a solo at "Winter Concert." Which was terrifying, but she helped me relax and I did well. I love to learn new things from her and she was driven by the joy of learning from us. Her determination to give her choirs the best has really shown me how much she likes to bond with her students. A lot of people take it easy, but she likes to push us and help us succeed at what we want and determine to get. Another great thing about Ms. Morrow is that she has an encyclopedia of music and literature in her head. You can ask her anything about music and she'll know it. Ms. Morrow's enthusiasm has continued to affect our choirs. Her "shoot for the moon" attitude make me want to work harder and reach for more ambitious goals. Thanks to Ms. Morrow, our Women's and Mixed choirs made it to state level competitions last year. She has given me the guidance to follow my dreams and the power to overcome anything that makes life an obstacle. I also have been given the opportunity to participate in the 2010-2011 All-State Women’s Choir thanks to Ms. Morrow. I will truly miss her after graduating high
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