Personal Narrative: An Interview With Cathy Patterson

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Embedded Assessment 1 I would like to introduce my mom, Cathy Patterson. She’s a molecular biologist, and went to Conestoga High School in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. I enjoyed getting to interview her because it let me get to know my mom a bit more, and made me realize what I have to do to do well in high school. To start off with, I asked her if she liked high school, and asked her to explain why or why not. She said that she had enjoyed being at high school, because she loved learning, and she got to hang out with her friends a lot. I followed up on this question and asked whether she thought high school was challenging or not for her. Instead of answering quickly like she had before, she hung back and sat pondering the question. Her face had become abnormally tight and drawn, as if…show more content…
She responded immediately by saying that one night she was driving to Parent Night at her school and she hit the principal’s car in the parking lot. Her dad was with her and made her tell the principal what had transpired. At this point she realized that she had matured and could not run away from her problems anymore. When I asked how she felt about the incident, she recalled, “ I was terrified, and felt horrible knowing I had hit the principal’s car, and I thought my was thinking that I was a bad driver and could not be trusted.” But afterwards she felt calm and serene, as if taking the responsibility for the accident had somehow transformed her into a more mature person, not quite an adult yet, but closer than before. In conclusion, I thought my mom had an interesting experience in high school, and that her Coming of Age incident was fairly unique. I now know that I cannot afford to be a procrastinator, and that I should have a more positive view of the events that happen in my life to fully embrace my experience as a high

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