Personal Narrative: A Short Story

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I called 9-1-1 at a payphone in Vancouver, Canada about a week ago. I didn’t say it was me though, I posed as an older man, stating there was a kid sitting in the snow that was about 16 years of age. The police picked me up later and took me back to Collingwood Police Station. A few of the officers tried to make conversation with me, but I kept quiet and avoided eye contact with them. However, I didn’t prefer to be involved with the authorities, but this was my best shot at getting a place to stay for a few nights. That day a woman, Alicia, picked me up from the station and took me to Short Term 8, a province-run care home. I got cleaned up and a bed to sleep in. If I keep my mouth shut, I could keep it for a few weeks. Alicia started to call me Collin, since I wouldn’t tell her what my name was. A few days later, they took me to a government phycologist. When the psychologist talked to me, I cowered in my chair. When she pushed, I rocked back and forth. I was playing the traumatized kid act. However, the cops got impatient first and they sent detectives to question me. I didn’t budge. I decided to leave Short Term 8 after that, I couldn’t risk being there any longer. I memorized the code to the alarm pad and escaped that way. After…show more content…
When they saw me they were hesitant at first, but then cried and hugged me. I cried too. However, Alexis acted weird when I called her by her first name, she prefers if I call her Lex instead. Then the detective interrupted and stated that she wanted to do a DNA test to prove I was Daniel Tate. Patrick got mad and refused, so she decided to question me instead. During the questioning, I lost myself and became Daniel. I passed more than half of the questions, but I proved I was Daniel with the birthmark that was over his left thumb. It wasn’t real, I tattooed it on using a needle and a brown marker the night before I told Alicia I was Daniel Tate. The detective said I’m good to

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