Personal Legend Essay

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“To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation.” A powerful statement conjuring treasures and dreams, and the underlying cause for all adventure. To realize one’s destiny, one must follow their personal legend. As I see it, a personal legend is a desired dream that ignites enthusiasm in its follower. It is a path that is inconspicuously laid out through subconscious interests and desires bound in our DNA; it cannot be created nor found. In the face of defeat, greed, desire, hardship, or happiness, our personal legends still prevail, unaltered by any environmental stimuli. I dream of being positive and captivated amidst a world where individuals often give in to the demands of society and fail to view life with happiness and prosperity. I dream of living with no regrets. My personal legend is to fulfill these dreams along with taking risks in the field of science, and particularly biology, to provide new frontiers in medicine that will help cure debilitating diseases. My personal legend stems from my beliefs and values, from dreaming big, and striving against the odds. Travelling to Central America will help my personal legend to flourish, by helping me to understand its depths, and yield further information. I envision my personal legend becoming a quest for a lifetime of happiness and health, to myself, and to others around me. It is impossible to pinpoint exactly where the idea for my personal legend came from. Personal legends exist subconsciously, stemming from interests that inspire a passion, similar to an internal source of ignition causing a spontaneous combustion. The source is often unrecognized, but the outcome even more impactful. My values and beliefs have played a role in shaping my personal legend. My dreams are big and difficult to accomplish. I believe it is important to dream big because those that do are often the ones that
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