Personal Hygiene Essay

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OUTCOME 1 1 Explain why personal hygiene is important. Personal hygiene is important in our daily lives as it keeps the body clean, prevents embarrassment and helps prevent the spread of infection. Personal hygiene routines are something most of us take for granted, we get up wash, brush teeth, comb hair etc. But these routines are something that service users can find difficult. Personal hygiene is important to preventing infections, discomforts and odours. Keeping clean is essential for good health so by maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene an individual can feel clean, presentable and comfortable. The individual will then have self-esteem and self-respect. There is less chance of infections developing as the individual as good personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is important in staff as many job interviews are highly dependent of good hygiene as many decisions are made on first impressions, if they don’t look after themselves it will affect the way they work. They could carry and spread infections micro-organisms and if they smell from not washing then it is not very pleasant for the other staff or service users to have to put up with smelly odours as they are all in close proximity of each other and the other way round if it was a service user that smelt . Also people might talk about the individual that smells or bully them. Personal hygiene is important to control infection and health and safety of the home but equally important on how we and others perceive ourselves and it can influence our levels of confidence and self- esteem. 2 Describe the effects of poor personal hygiene on health and well being. Poor personal hygiene can affect us in many ways not just us but service users and visitors. If a person as an un pleasant body odour this is not pleasant for others and this could lead to people being isolated by friends and society, it can cause
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