People Are Never Too Old to Attend College or University

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People are never too old to attend college or university. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. It has become popular for mature and even older people to attend college these days. So there are two points of view on this matter: some people think people are never too late to study in college or university. Others think that older people’s place is not there. I’d prefer to agree with the first point of view for the several reasons. On the one hand, there aren’t many places in universities and colleges and grown-up people, who have already gotten their bachelors and masters degrees are taking away other’s student’s places. So many people believe that training courses are enough for adults and there is no need to go to university again. On the other hand, there are some old people who haven’t attended university when they were teens/adults and came up with this idea much later. Therefore some people want to retrain and get new profession. For example, in my university on parallel department is studying the man in his middle thirties to get bachelors degree, who was a manager earlier, but has decided that programming is more appropriate for him. With this , when you are older it is simplier to decide what do you really want, then in the childhood when you are influenced by parents, friends and even trends in society and it’s easier realistically evaluate your capabilities. All in all, I think it’s never too late to study and I do not exclude the possibility for myself to attend a university again, when I am older and more mature, if my preferences in profession have
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