Pdp Strengths And Weaknesses

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PDP Name | | Staff Number | | Review date | | My Strengths with supporting evidence: Strengths | Evidence | I believe I demonstrated effective questioning skills during Phase 1 of the program.I demonstrated effective active listening skills when I met with a colleague to discuss our group project. I also demonstrated empathic listening. | I completed the exercise in open questions and feedback from my colleagues and trainer was that I was able to ask open questions effectively which resulted in my colleagues giving lots of informationI maintained eye contact throughout the conversation and nodded. I paraphrased what my colleague said in order to clarify each one's responsibility. I responded with empathy by stating ''that must be frustrating | My development needs: Development need | How the need is to be met | Target Date | Date achieved | 1. My area for development is to deal effectively with angry guests. I received feedback that I do not listen 2. In the conflict style inventory I scored high on the avoiding style | Observation and practiceAnalysis and practice | 1st December10th January | | My action plan for my future development: Action items | Timeline |…show more content…
1.1 To observe colleagues in the workplace dealing with angry guests 1.2 Practice handling difficult guests and ask colleagues to observe me and give feedback 1.3 I will write a summary of my progress from my observations of others and feedback received from colleagues.2.2.1 For the next three months I will keep a written summary of the situations that I face and the decisions I make along with the outcome and the process I used to achieve the outcome.2.2 Anaylse the outcomes and reflect if I used the correct conflict management style2.3 When I am faced with conflict I will try and choose the correct style instead of immediately avoiding the conflict situation | 1 week2 weeks3 months

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