Paul Broca Essay

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Psychology 101-046 | The Biography of Paul Broca “An Emphasis On His Contributions To Psychology” | Paul Pierre Broca was born on the 28th June 1824, in Sainte –Foy- Grande. He was the son of a medical practitioner by the name of Benjamin Broca. He earned his bachelor’s degree at the age of sixteen and also diplomas in physical sciences and mathematics. In 1841, at the age of seventeen he entered medical school in Paris and graduated at the age of twenty. After graduating he did an extensive internship with dermatologist Philippe Ricord, at the Hôpital du Midi and then with François Leuret at the Bicêtre Hospital. In 1844 however, he became an intern with an individual by the name of Pierre Nicolas Gerdy, who was a great anatomist and surgeon. In 1848, Broca became prosector of anatomy at the University of Paris Medical School, the youngest person ever appointed to the position. He also became secretary of the Société Anatomique. In 1849, he was awarded the degree of doctor of medicine. In 1853, Broca became professor agrégé, and was appointed surgeon of the hospital. He was elected to the chair of external pathology at the faculty of medicine in 1867, and one year later professor of clinical surgery. In 1868, he became a member of the Académie de medicine, and was appointed the chair of clinical surgery. In equivalent with his medical career, Broca pursued his interest in anthropology. In 1859, he founded the Society of Anthropology of Paris. He served as the secretary of the society from 1862. In 1872, he founded the journal Revue d'anthropologie, and in 1876, the Institute of Anthropology. The church opposed the development of anthropology in France, and in 1876 organized a campaign to stop the teaching of the subject in the Anthropological Institute. His early scientific work focused on the histology of cartilage and bone, the treatment of aneurisms,

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