Patriarchy in Urban Civilization

813 Words4 Pages
Patriarchy in Urban Civilization Women have been treated as lesser beings since 4,000 BCE. Here we are 6,000 years later and it’s still an issue in parts of the world. There are various theories as to how patriarchy was developed, but I mainly agree with the scholars arguing that increased militarization of agricultural societies is what caused a decline in women’s status. I’m sure women would have no problem fighting for their land, but due to a large amount of childbearing, they didn’t have the time or energy to help protect against invasions. Patriarchy just kept evolving from there and people like Hammurabi came around and made an impact on history. He created his own laws that would set double standards amongst men and women. Things have become much more equal between the two genders, but we still have cultures in this day and age where women can’t drive or go anywhere without a chaperone. When it came to foraging both men and women contributed equally. Meat from hunts were considered the bigger prize, but they weren’t always successful. When the men came back empty-handed, the people would rely on plant foods gathered from the women. Both did their part to ensure everyone’s survival. But, then a new era started where societies would rely on nurturing plants and animals. This meant no more moving from place to place. They could finally settle down and not worry about resources running out. Naturally, however, having a big piece of land with an abundance of plants and animals drew invaders. The men would do their part and protect their society while the women would be pregnant and too weak to do anything. Let me clarify that I don’t believe they’re weak because they’re women, but because their role was to have many children to provide a workforce. Since men were the protectors of their societies I believe they were held at a higher social status

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